Friday, December 09, 2005

hard times...

har nettopp hatt den vanskeligste skole opplevelse noen gang.. på sameskole, så gikk strömmen (det er jo MÖRKT her - vi har ikke sett sola i dag..), og en vanskelig klasse... män! Fint at Gud er med og kan bruke oss uansett. Her ser dere stearinslys, og så vidt det er den bärbare pcen! (kl 10 på morningen) Takk at dere ber for meg - skal hvile litt i dag og imorra, så til Borgen UiO basen o yeah!

have just had one of the difficult school experiences ever - a Sami school, then the electricity left us... and it is DARK here! have not SEEN the sun today. and the pupils were not easy either... man. but hey, the Lord sends us and He can use this also. You can see the candlelights in the classroom this is at 0900 in the morning. män. Thank you for praying - will try and rest a bit today and tomorrow. then off to the Borgen ywam base!


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