Hei! nå er vi på tur til skoler, til barneklubber, til mange steder i Norge - med BUSSEN som dere har bedt for! Jeg fikk kjøpt den sist uke - den er så bra å kjøre med! måtte ta opp litt lån, men takk til Gud for alle som har gitt! wow! det er så fint å ikke fryse eller ha så mange rare lyder i bilen (jettaen er nå vraket...)
"Øystein Mot Mobbing" har vært bra! Har vært på 4 skoler nå, det fungerer, lærerne/rektor er positive. Det er bra. Så nå har vi noen ikke-kristne referanseskoler. Det er fint. Be at barna kan skjønne hvor mye de er verdt! og at de skjønner alvoret i mobbing. takk! I kveld skal jeg holde andakt i Røros, så deler vi ut CDene! fine greier! Takk for forbønn!
Hello - this is the bus! The one you have prayed for (and some of you "paid" for!). I got it last week, it is so good. Had to take up a little loan, but so good with all the people who have given towards this project - thank you! it is so nice to not freeze (the previous car had no heating) and to not have all the strange noises.. (-;
I have started to go into schools and have programme with "Øystein Against Bullying". We have been to 4 schools, and it is working. Can always be better - but the teachers/principle were happy. Good to have been to some non-Christian schools. Pray that the children may understand their worth - and the seriousness of their actions. Thank you! Tonight I am going to have two devotions, and then hand out the CDs! good times. Thank you for praying!
1 comment:
Bus looks good! Also listened to your radio interview with Per (who gave me the gist of it). What an amazing opportunity. Praise the Lord on both counts! :o)
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