But the the next day it happened.. someone said: Bruce Olsson is in town sharing. Man I could not believe it - and even though it was early, even though I did not know what to expect .. I got up, and I went. And I tell you what it was so worth it. Man. Meeting this guy was like meeting a jar. A jar of clay. A shell with nothing in it.. except.. Jesus. This guy was so not full of himself and Jesus in stead that His image has burnt itself into my soul. I mean - who hasn't read the BRUSHKO book eh? I read it on my DTS. Indians and stuff right - but man, this guy is following Jesus and he just - yeah. what an example.

Other than that I am leaving for Ålesund tomorrow - pray for our trip if you will please. Had a flat tyre today, but the Lord organised for me to be able to fix it - so GREAT. Man He knows me. I am doing so good man. Learning SO much. The Lord is good. o yeah.
DTS studentene har nå feiret sin avslutnings sak - og her et bilde av meg og DTS lederen Mandy - og de reiser. Det er bra, for da kan de tjene Herren - men også trist! for da er de borte! ojojoj.
Men dere.. en kult ting som skjedde i dag, det var at jeg fikk møtt selveste Bruce Olsson. Det er så kult - man. Han er bare all the way sold out for God. So good!
Skal til Ålesund imorra - be gjerne for turen!
god natt!
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