Gøy på kontoret! Matthew har blitt buret inn for å få jobben gjort her.. (-; Vi har det bra, det er masse liv på basen siden DTSene har kommet hjem fra alle slags land. Følk har blitt FRELST! ojojoj!
Nå må jeg rydde opp litt etter alle disse turene jeg! yes. Be gjerne for mer felleskap med Gud gjennom hele dagen. takk! o yeah. ha en fin kveld!
Fun in the office - this is ol Matt in his office cage.. just so he gets his job done (-: We are doing well here, lots happening at the base since the DTSes have returned home - and people have gotten SAVED!. o yeah.
Right now I have to clean up my desk/stuff/bags after all these crazy trips... (-: Yes. It would be lovely if you would pray that I would have more fellowship with our God throughout the day. Thank you so much!
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