And this one goes out to you Matthew.. the terminal... (ø:
home sweet home on gate 32...

a drink while I wait yet another month...

nederland i dag. Her er søstera mi og venninna hennes. Begge skal ha eksamen i uka. Det er jo derfor jeg er her.. støtte opp litt!

tilbake til norge imorra. men det er jo trevelig at følk her setter pris på navnet mitt..eller i hvert fall noe som likner (ø: (det betyr visst "trykk" eller "skyv".

Ellers skal jeg forberede meg videre til paaskefestival, jeg skal undervise om bibelen og frelse, visshet i ordet, hvordan aa kjempe med ordet. yups. Be gjerne for tankene mine / maate Gud hjelpe meg si det som er paa Hans hjerte.
Cu i NOrway!
Hello there
just dropping by the Netherlands for a short visit, my sister is going to perform her examination-piece which which to hopefully pass her 4 year degree as a drama-therapist. so the big brother has to come watch (ø: (thank you mom and dad for sponsering this trip!)
yups. so theres Gardemoen our international aiport and its wood flooring (we do, after all have Norwegian wood). but yes
other than that I am preparing for Easter camp, really need to get my preaching together for that. will speak on salvation, the word, how to use the sword.. o yeah. serious stuff. May children get saved and exhorted in their walk with Christ! By the grace of God, o yes. And with the help of your prayers!
allright - thank you for reading this blog, I really appreciate it. feel free to write a comment!
God bless,
so long
1 comment:
Heia Chris!
supert å lese om Øystein og deg.
keep up the good work!
(duwen, vi er veldig interessert i deg, vet du:-)
ha det lurt da!
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