Det som var artig, er at vi bygde oss et eget lite studio denne gangen. 2 sofaer, noen puter som takplater, 2 pledd - og TADAA..! Et fint lite studio. Jan vet hva kan driver med, det er så fint å samarbeide med ham. O yes.

Ble ferdig med to nye sanger i dag, "Åssen blir man kristen" og "Helt fantastisk".
Takk at du ber - vær med og be helt til fredags kvelden, da må det meste være i box. Tusen takk!

Hilsen Chris og Øystein!
eh, I would just love for you to be able to hear the baby laughing in the "laughing-song" on the Øystein CD - its good for the soul! We are busy going for it here with the recording. Øystein, as you see likes being in charge of driving (excuse the sagging there..) andyes - we even built our very own studio this time. 2 Sofas, some cushions and blankets and Voila: a studio! the sound is good, and Jan - such a great guy - is a fantastic help.
Finnished two new songs today as well - thank you Lord! and yes, hopefully we can finnish recording tomorrow. in Jesus name! anyhow - I hope you are well: thank you for praying! and God bless you. keep on praying til friday evening - this thing has gotta be from Gods heart to the kids! o yes. Bless bless!
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