Høsten er i gang. O boy. Tenk så fort sommeren.. jaja, la oss spare den til vi fyller 80 og kjøre på litt til eller hva? o yea. Teamtreningen ja!

Hello to you!
Workers gathering is over, and the autumn is kicking in! o yes. The teamtrainings most amazing feature is the amazing followers of Christ which have gathered around this vision. Can you believe those guys? So comitted, so God focused, self giving, die to self people. Good stuff.
The training has been good. I am so glad that the national leaders of Ywam have had time to be with the project. this is the 4th year and sometimes things can get worn down after the first exitement has passed. To keep a vision alive, long-term solutions to challenges must be found. Good stuff.
Balloons was part of the ones teachers stuff about evangelism - I learnt how to hide Jonah in the fish. Though the pic of Matt and me does not illustrate this.. ;-)
It will be good to have some time out next week!
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