Vi hadde virkelig en morsom tur.. det var så mange som så på ham og stoppa,, fikk delt ut 2 CDer til noen på toget også ;-) og et eller annet idrettslag spurte om å få et lite show mens vi stor i køen til SAS insjekking..! Good times.
Nå er jeg i Sveits.

Det er så fint å kunne være her. Takk Jesus! Samtidig tenker jeg på alle de Norske barn som trenger å høre om Jesus, og på de som nå hører og kan bli Jesu etterfølgere - la oss virkelig BE for barna følkens. Måtte Guds ord bli levende for dem. Bønn altså - bønn!
Meet the new Øystein! Here he is - and yes, we sure had a lot of fun on the trip! I was able to hand out 2 CDs on the train even - just talking to people. It really is an amazing way to get in touch with people. Even this sportsteam of grown men asked me to do a little show for them while in the SAS check in queue. Good times!
So now I am in Switzerland and am just so thankful for the time I can spend here. It is so good to be here and study the bible with these people. Today was all about preteens - good stuff. But as I am here I want to continue praying for the children of Norway as many of you are doing also! Guys - lets really be serious about this and ask the Lord for mercy when the children hear His good word through any means, also the Øystein CD. Let us really pray that His word would put their hearts on fire for Him!
I hope you will have a good week!
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