Men jeg må få lov å si at jeg syntes dommerne gav positiv kritikk, og at "mobbesirkuset" uteble når jeg var inne. Kanskje det var fordi det var mer enn 50 kristne til stedet, og at mange hadde bedt :-) O YEAH! En kjempebra opplevelse.
Børge som jeg møtte oppe i TVlokalene, fantastisk fyr altså:

Slik så det ut i salen:

Team X-treme Viking gutta fikk også prøvd sine styrker :-)

en morsom helg! Takk at du var med med dine bønner. AMEN Lord may it be as YOU want!
hey there:
heres some pics from the whole TV event and all that :-) I had a good time, met many cool people, got to hand out some Øystein CDs as well and yeah.. I am not allowed to tell you all how it went, its a TV secret they said... jaja. But I had a good time! Tiring also.. but yeah, really good to see how Norwegian TV works from the inside. I am so thankful for that experience!
have a lovely week! keep rocking for our Good Lord! Recommending Psalm 136,