ut på tur - aldri sur! Med kakaoen klar og humøret på topp
Gud har jo også kalt oss til å være menneskefiskere, og da kan det hende at vi må tåle litt kulde i blant... men neste gang skal du få lese om hvordan vi fiska litt i gågata i Hamar: det var SÅ bra!!
ha en god fiskeuke! Chris
så må jo fisken renskes.. asj!
Hello there!
Yesterday afternoon Per and I took a little trip up the E6 and did one of the most Scandinavian things I know: ice-fishing! It was cold, it was wet, and it was FUN! So good to be able to just catch ones breath, sit there, think, pray, dose, and just be! and whether we caught fish or not... you will just have to watch the video!
the next blogg entry will be about us doing a different kind of fishing - you shall see!!
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