I disse dagene samler seg Ungdom i Oppdrags familie her på Grimerud, det er kjempekoselig å ha følka her hos oss. Good times! Det er så fint å få noen av mine barnevenner på besøk!
And the good news is - jeg har fått meg en mobil! Genialt! Og tenk, en ny bekjent har foreslått noe helt genialt for å hjelpe meg - hun vil betale telefonregningene mine! Ojojoj. Det er så snilt altså. Wow. Gud har sine måter å sørge for oss altså. Wow. Så nå skal det bli mobil snart! (sorry at det har uteblitt så lenge altså.. det har vært litt deilig også ;-)

Her øver vi i teamet mitt (Hilde, Per og meg - dere RULER!!) litt for en sang som heter "Helt fantastisk" som beskriver Gud! yes. wow. Takk Jesus for en fin sommer. I dag begynner høsten for meg. Tenk - Gud har vært så trofast. Det minner meg om en sang som lyder slik:
"I will sing of Your mercy which leads me through valleys of sorrow to rivers of Joy."
Good times!
Hello boys and girls!
The autumn is here eh! wow. I want to give all honour and glory to my Good Father in heaven for leading me in His good ways. What a life I have received - wow. At this time the Youth with a Mission family Norway is gathering at my base, 370 something people and good times. good friends. Man - what a blessing to be a part of this. God is good.
And yeah - I have been able to get me a phone! well - it should arrive in the mail at least. And guess what God had a surprise for me: one person I met lately offered to organise me a sim-card and pay my phonebills! what an offer!! I cant believe it. So I got a hold of a second hand phone online and yes - lets hope this will be good! Sorry for not being available on phone for so long.. actually its been a little nice too ;-) It will be good to be back in business.
Yeah - autumn eh. Man. What a rush. How faithful God has been. He has lead me - this reminds me of some really rock and roll lyrics by Jars of Clay:
"I will sing of Your mercy that leads me throug valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy."
God is good man. Thank You Lord for the breath in my lungs today. And for the faith THIS day. I want to be with Him, love Him, serve Him for the rest of my life. Eternity here we come ;-)
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