Da var det på tide å blogge litt igjen! Håper du henger med, og håper det funker at du blir informert så du kan være med og be også! O yesh! Martin og jeg var en tur på Filadelfia på mandagen som har vært, og hadde med Øystein - tenk: vi delte ut hele 600 CDer.

Ellers har jeg fått sendt ut en del CDer til basene, det er skikkelig fint. Good stuff altså. Det var ledersamling her og da fylte jeg opp vertinne vogna,

Ellers har jeg vært en liten tur i Oslo og fikk sett Marie, Birgitte og Edvind- koselig! Og Ingvild, Silje også! Matt har reist.. men men. Sånn er det. (Love you dude)
ha en knallbra uke!!! og - hvis du har tid.. noen har lagt ut en test om meg og Øystein! kjempe kult! Husk å be for ei ny dukke!
hilsen Chris
ps - jeg prøvekjørte kameraet til Øyvind nå i helga - her er noen resultater:

Hello there!
The CDs are hitting the country now.. ojojoj. Martin and me went to Filadelfia Hamar (Childrens choir) and had a little show - and handed out like 600 CDs. Some children were going to hand them out to the entire class.. and they did! One father told me that there is one other christian child except his son in the class, and he had asked for permission and handed out - and then a few days later the parents got a letter from the teacher saying: "we as a school do not have any affiliation with the CD which was handed out a couple of days ago.." Good stuff! its reaching out now!!!
Last week there was some teaching for the leaders in Ywam, it was here at Grimerud, and I was able to load up the little wagon and hand out CDs to the bases. Ywam has kind of an internal postage system of people moving on along between the bases! cool.
Other that that I had a short trip to Oslo, met up with some good friends from Høland and Ywam - and said good bye to Matt the tripper who is on his way out leaving this beautiful nation. sad stuff man - May God bless him in all that he will you him into over there in the USofA.
The last couple of shots were the result of test driving a friends canon - pictures for our kitchen on the 3rd floor of our building. its has become SO nice. Yesh.
allright have a crazy week with the Lord! God bless
ps remember to pray for a new puppet!
Ser du driver å deler ut cd'er enda. hvor mange har du fått delt ut nå da? Ser ut til at dem er blitt utrolig populære i hvertfall.
Fine bilder du hadde tatt forresten.
Så bra at vertinnetjenesten på Grimerud har vært med å bidra til at Øystein-cd'ene blir delt ut:-) Du kan få låne vogna så ofte du vil Chris!!!
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