Nå har vi i Barna for Jesus (teamet vårt: Per, Hilde og meg) hatt en kjempefin prosess i å finne ut hva det egentlig er vi vil - dette er det vi har funnet frem til:
"Barna for Jesus vil nå Norges og verdens barn med evangeliet om Jesus Kristus. Vi vil disippelgjøre dem til å leve i et daglig felleskap med Gud og i aktiv tjeneste".
Fine greier!? Det setter ord på det vi lever for. Kjære Gud la det skje!! Med HAM er alt mulig.
Så da er det bare å bli med! Si fra og skriv en mail til ellerstakk@ywam.no
Nå er det snart påskeleir med buktalerkurs! Det skal bli GØY!
ha en fin uke du også!

Hello there!
Its been a crazy time in Oslo meeting Sue Miller from WillowCreek at a children workers conference and handing out 11000 Øystein CDs to the whole of NOrway - good times. I have been praying that many children would get saved - pray with me this Easter, that the Lord would reveal himself!!
We have also had a lovely process whithin the team finding out what it is we want to do with the time given to us by Him. This is our missionstatement:
The "Children for Jesus" team wants to reach the children in Norway and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to disciple them so that they can live in daily fellowship with God, actively serving Him.
Good stuff huh? Wanna join us!?! let us know!
The Eastercamp is going down soon real soon - good times. We will even have a ventriloquism workshop for them: Øystein is SO ready!
have a good week
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