Kanskje vi byrda ha "Øystein og klima" - tematikk??
se denne Aftenpostenkommentaren.
Har lixom ikke tenkt over at klima saken vil føre til krig og litt av hvert... mh.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
on the show!

Litt spennende: Sandefjord blad skrev noe om oss, som ikke stemte.. les her for å se om du finner ut hva som er sant og hva som ikke er det :-)
Spennende tider. Blir nok ikke siste gang en slik sak skjer - vær med og be!
Hey - this is a pic of John Harald and moi, we are about to do some videoing with Øystein. I am wearing the microphone cover on my head - dont worry -
This weekend has been kind of exciting, this one newspaper wrote some stuff about us which simply was not true, so we tried to do something about it and in the end they said sorry.. you can read about is in the link.
God gave His wisdom in the case - thank you Lord! And keep on praying that we can tell the kids about the Good Lord, and not be stopped by the media :-)
Friday, October 19, 2007
CAR time!!!

Ha en god dag!
Og takk igjen til deg som har gitt bilen :-)

Hello there!
A friend of mine got word from God that he was to give me this car - wow. Its a Saab 900 Turbo Convertable. So I got the stickers and made it into an Øystein PR vehicle - the kids dig it :-) Good times! Specially nice for the boys I think. Engines, you know!
have a good weekend!
Monday, October 08, 2007
120.000 CDer senere...

"Takk Gud, for alle de som har fått høre om deg det siste året. Takk at vi ikke har noe gjeld og at CDene er betalt for! Takk for de som har blitt frelst. Takk for de som begynner å få en tro på deg. YOU ROCK!!!"
Hvilken mektig Gud vi har!
Hvorfor ikke få ut en million..? Tuller ikke!
Crazy stuff. really. 120.000 CDs later we are not sending out the last of the lot. (except a handfull which we need for the weekends autumnfestival). So this package will leave base today, to be handed out at a womens conference in the south of the country, where 1000 ladies will get one each in their welcome-folder.
"Thank you God! For all those who have gotten to hear the Gospel this past year! Thank you that we have no debt and every singel CD is paid for! Thank you for those who have gotten saved! Thank you for those who have begun to believe in you! YOU ROCK!!"
We serve a mighty God!
Why not hand out a million CDs? I am not kidding!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
"Voice Recognition"
Ode to YwamEintrøa:
Eintrøa ved Trondheim - oh place of good fishing,
fellowship and joy - oh place of good food,
peace and most of all
Jesusloving friends.
I går var vi en tur i Trondheim - kikka litt på domen - wow -
og fikk delt ut litt Øystein CDer også! Jeg tok på meg the magic evangelising boots - amazing. Disse 7milsstøvler får folk til å smile, så tar de gjerne i mot en Øystein CD... amazing. 50 stk bort på en halv time. Kun et barn hadde CDen fra før. dvs ca 2%. Det er en jobb å gjøre enda :-)
Så stod jeg bak en dame i køen for å få betalt parkeringsbilletten. og.. så sier hun..
"Det var noe kjent med deg."
"Er det du som har laget den dere CDen?"
"ja, det er det nok."
"Det var noe kjent med stemmen.. vi hører jo på den nesten hver dag!"
Fikk også besøke mine to bønnepartnere og gode venner, Kristine og Elisabeth, som fylte 5 år den dagen vi kom! Gratulerer Kristine!!!
Nå skal vi hemmat til Grimerud! Gleder meg til turen. deilig å sitte i en bil og bare slappe av, lese litt, ha roa over seg i mange timer. I like it!
ha en god uke!
The poem above basically says that I am having a good time here, visiting the Eintrøa Ywam base. Caught a fish yesterday - good times. We also headed out to Trondheim, where, while wearing the Skyrunners, I handed out Øystein CDs. Its magic. The kids see the boots (see above) and just start smiling, and then they gladly receive the Øystein CD. Good times!
The famous NidarosDome was also great to see.
So then, while standing in the que to pay the parkingfee, this one lady wondered..
"You seem so familiar"
"Are you the guy who made that CD?"
"I knew I recognised the voice.. we listen to it almost every day..!!"
And I got to visit to of my good friends here, who are also on the prayer team for the project.
The picture is of Kristine, who just turned 5 and was very happy about the Øystein poster she got :-)
We are heading on home today, looking forward to the trip.
allright - have a great week and stay strong in Him,
Eintrøa ved Trondheim - oh place of good fishing,
fellowship and joy - oh place of good food,
peace and most of all
Jesusloving friends.
I går var vi en tur i Trondheim - kikka litt på domen - wow -

"Det var noe kjent med deg."
"Er det du som har laget den dere CDen?"
"ja, det er det nok."
"Det var noe kjent med stemmen.. vi hører jo på den nesten hver dag!"
Fikk også besøke mine to bønnepartnere og gode venner, Kristine og Elisabeth, som fylte 5 år den dagen vi kom! Gratulerer Kristine!!!

ha en god uke!
The poem above basically says that I am having a good time here, visiting the Eintrøa Ywam base. Caught a fish yesterday - good times. We also headed out to Trondheim, where, while wearing the Skyrunners, I handed out Øystein CDs. Its magic. The kids see the boots (see above) and just start smiling, and then they gladly receive the Øystein CD. Good times!
The famous NidarosDome was also great to see.
So then, while standing in the que to pay the parkingfee, this one lady wondered..
"You seem so familiar"
"Are you the guy who made that CD?"
"I knew I recognised the voice.. we listen to it almost every day..!!"
And I got to visit to of my good friends here, who are also on the prayer team for the project.
The picture is of Kristine, who just turned 5 and was very happy about the Øystein poster she got :-)
We are heading on home today, looking forward to the trip.
allright - have a great week and stay strong in Him,
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Good times in Oslo and Skien and Sogndal!
Øystein og jeg har vært mye ut på tur i det siste!
Det er såååå deilig å kunne være ut på gata og forkynne evangeliet, og dele ut Øystein CDer til viltfremmede folk. I like it! Her er Øystein og jeg i Skien:
Det var mange som kom å så på - og det var deilig vær!
Fikk treffe noen som jeg hadde vært sammen med på Oase i sommer. SÅÅÅ koselig!!
Og her i Oslo:
Etter stuntet sammen med gutta fra Different Colour og flere - så tok jeg på meg noen litt kult stylter. Goood times! Når jeg gikk rundt like ved Spikersuppa etterpå, så fikk jeg delt ut omtrentlig 300 Øystein CDer på nullkommaniks - det gikk fort altså!
og her kommer enda en god nyhet: Vi er i null!! Grimerud lånte oss noen penger - ca 100.000 Kroner - for å kunne trykke opp CDer til de stedene som vi skulle på i sommer. Og etter at det ble gaver og slikt til UiO i sommer, så bestemte ledelsen for å slette gjelda! Det er bare så fint. Så nå jobber vi videre med blanke ark - GREAT stuff. Da skal det bli DVD!!
Her et lite bilde av meg og Martin som har reist med meg disse gangene - takk Martin; you rock!
Yes. Nå blir det en del kontorjobbings fremover - forberede og kjøre på med prosjektene. Takk at du ber! Ha en strålende uke!
Hello there!
Øystein and moi have been doing a lot of traveling lately - Skien, Oslo, Sogndal - good times. It has been really great to be out on the streets and hand out Øystein CDs to total strangers - who may not know a single Christian. ROCK and ROLL for these amazing opportunities. take it do the streets, brothers and sisters - thats the way to go. on one of the pix you see me wearing 7-mile-boots: amazing evangelising tools.. kids would just come and receive CDs when I was wearing those and jumped around in the middle of Oslo.
Martin has been traveling together with me around Norway. He wants to join our team later this year.
Another good news is that we are no longer in debt. Debt?? yes - we borrowed some money from Ywam to make more CDs which we would need for the summers happenings. And now we Ywam generously cleared the 100.000 kroner slate with gifts to Ywam which had come in this summer. Great leaders - supporting us all the way. Man. Thank you Jesus!
allright - time to eat here at the base.
have a good Jesusrockmyworld day!
Det er såååå deilig å kunne være ut på gata og forkynne evangeliet, og dele ut Øystein CDer til viltfremmede folk. I like it! Her er Øystein og jeg i Skien:

Og her i Oslo:

Her et lite bilde av meg og Martin som har reist med meg disse gangene - takk Martin; you rock!

Hello there!
Øystein and moi have been doing a lot of traveling lately - Skien, Oslo, Sogndal - good times. It has been really great to be out on the streets and hand out Øystein CDs to total strangers - who may not know a single Christian. ROCK and ROLL for these amazing opportunities. take it do the streets, brothers and sisters - thats the way to go. on one of the pix you see me wearing 7-mile-boots: amazing evangelising tools.. kids would just come and receive CDs when I was wearing those and jumped around in the middle of Oslo.
Martin has been traveling together with me around Norway. He wants to join our team later this year.
Another good news is that we are no longer in debt. Debt?? yes - we borrowed some money from Ywam to make more CDs which we would need for the summers happenings. And now we Ywam generously cleared the 100.000 kroner slate with gifts to Ywam which had come in this summer. Great leaders - supporting us all the way. Man. Thank you Jesus!
allright - time to eat here at the base.
have a good Jesusrockmyworld day!
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