Eintrøa ved Trondheim - oh place of good fishing,
fellowship and joy - oh place of good food,
peace and most of all
Jesusloving friends.
I går var vi en tur i Trondheim - kikka litt på domen - wow -

"Det var noe kjent med deg."
"Er det du som har laget den dere CDen?"
"ja, det er det nok."
"Det var noe kjent med stemmen.. vi hører jo på den nesten hver dag!"
Fikk også besøke mine to bønnepartnere og gode venner, Kristine og Elisabeth, som fylte 5 år den dagen vi kom! Gratulerer Kristine!!!

ha en god uke!
The poem above basically says that I am having a good time here, visiting the Eintrøa Ywam base. Caught a fish yesterday - good times. We also headed out to Trondheim, where, while wearing the Skyrunners, I handed out Øystein CDs. Its magic. The kids see the boots (see above) and just start smiling, and then they gladly receive the Øystein CD. Good times!
The famous NidarosDome was also great to see.
So then, while standing in the que to pay the parkingfee, this one lady wondered..
"You seem so familiar"
"Are you the guy who made that CD?"
"I knew I recognised the voice.. we listen to it almost every day..!!"
And I got to visit to of my good friends here, who are also on the prayer team for the project.
The picture is of Kristine, who just turned 5 and was very happy about the Øystein poster she got :-)
We are heading on home today, looking forward to the trip.
allright - have a great week and stay strong in Him,
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