En deilig tur altså. Takk Jesus!
Nå tilbake i good old Norge - og nå må jeg ta et etterslepp av emailer o boy o boy.
God bless! Hilsen Chris
ps - det var også en fotoutstilling i Kjøben, og jeg må bare vise to ultrakule bilder fra den. Den første en en elefant som svømmer i havet - det andre en hvithai som jakter sel. Powerfull stuff eller hva? La oss være like gira når vi jaker på sjeler ;-)

Hello there!!!
Before I share alittle bit about Denmark, let me tell you that I received an email from Sigmund, the teamleader in Steinkjer where we had the childrens evangelism weekend last weekend. He writes that about 150 children were there during the weekend, and that 1600 CDs were handed out. The local Christian heros are discussing what they could do next year. Good stuff! Apparently the fist childrens club that has had a meeting with 21 kids, some of which heard about the club at the festival. Great stuff!
The trip to Denmark has been good. I was able to join a conference for Childrens workers while visiting our good friend Dorthe. The teaching was good stuff - especially this one guy from AWANA clubs called Larry Fowler - good stuff man. I was able to teach a seminar as well - about puppets. Great teenagers, really talented!
I enjoyed seeing what kind of childrens stuff is going on in Denmark, and also get a feeling for where they are at. It seems that things are similar to Norway. A lot of the people dont see that children need to get saved - it was so good that Larry had teaching about this fundamental value.
Copenhagen is a beaut of a city. The harbour area apperently is so clean that you can swim there - and there are such nice buildings and stuff. Really impressive. And they have the most amazing icecream quantities ever.... ;-)
Yes. At this time I am back at the base, the sky is grey, the ground is wet. I need to get on top of lots of emails, but its nice to be in the office and work and not have some big something this weekend which I need to prepare.
I hope you are well - let us keep fighting for intimacy with our Saviour!
in Him
ps - the last to pictures are from an exebhition in Copenhagen, really cool stuff. A swimming elefant and a great white hunting seals.. wow.. power! Lets be keen on souls just like that!!!!